As we noted on our main site, Shea is now a memory . The last part of shea was torn down this morning around 11:20am. There was no fan fare but across the internet people have commented on the place the Mets have called home since 1964.
My first game at Shea was back in the Summer of 1974 and I have enjoyed going to games there since. Yes it was not the nicest stadium . It was our Stadium . Growing up that Stadium was all I knew. I did not see another game anywhere else until a friend of mine was in College in Boston and we caught a game at Fenwayin the Mid 80's.
I was at the last 2 games at Shea this past September. We all know how it ended . There will never be another Shea . I will never get that feeling of just being so small as you walked through the tunnel and saw that manicured field for the first time. Looking over at the massive scoreboard to see how the rest of the league faired that day.
Never be able to order a stale pretzel or a flat soda. Never have to wait in line for the bathroom when the visiting team was up. Shea will always be first in my book.